New Product Highlight

YCS Vent Fan & Crawlspace Access Door

This month, we want to highlight a couple of exciting YCS products that you’ll definitely want for your next crawlspace encapsulation job. We are constantly innovating and designing products to help make our customers’ lives easier and make the YCS System even quicker and easier to install.

Keep reading to learn more about our two impressive patent-pending products, the YCS Vent Fan and YCS Crawlspace Access Door. Plus, you can check out another episode of our Installation Insiders video series to get an up-close look at the YCS Vent Fan in action!

YCS Crawlspace Access Door

When it comes to crawlspace access doors, our patent-pending YCS Crawlspace Access Door is literally designed for ease-of-use. We can’t recommend it enough to contractors!

The door uses a proprietary slot-and-lock system that you won’t find anywhere else on the market, allowing for effortless installation. We’ve also added a handle and lockable barrel bolt latch to make installation even more simple and hassle-free. This product features a flush mount that just needs to be screwed in and sealed with a bead of YCS Magic Adhesive and...voila!

The material is 100% rust-proof PVC. We offer four sizes to fit rough openings: 13”x 33”, 17”x 33”, 25”x 33”, 25”x 37.” Check these out on the site today!

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YCS Vent Fan

Our patent-pending YCS Vent Fan is code-approved for continuous exhaust ventilation in unvented crawlspaces. This innovative product will extend the life of your home’s dehumidifier, and it’s extremely simple to install, like all YCS products! With adjustable settings, you can adjust it to meet the square footage of the home. The YCS Vent Fan is designed to fit 8” x 16” vents, but it can also be trimmed for smaller holes.

Check out this episode of Installation Insiders below to see the product for yourself!

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Everything You Need to Succeed

No matter the crawlspace encapsulation job, we have the reliable products you need to create a permanent seal and get the job done right. From patented vapor barriers and sealants to dehumidifiers and cleaners, Your Crawlspace provides high-quality products you can rely on, every time.

And if you need resources to help get you started, we offer those too! Check out our Resources page for blog posts, how-to videos, and more.

Want to speak with one of our experienced YCS team members about our products? Let’s talk! Give us a call at 843-396-1510


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