Moisture In Homes Of The Southeast

Houses in the Southeast are known to undergo moisture related issues generating wood framing to deteriorate, mold to fester in-turn causes musty stenches, wet air in the living space, insulation to droop, buckled hardwood floors, insect infestations and condensation on air conditioning piping, and that is just to name several.

Homes in the southeast undergo these problems which can be chalked up to the high relative humidity in the area. For someone who is not as familiar with this meteorological term, it is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air in contrast to the utmost amount of moisture the air can hold at the same temperature and pressure. This region is known for some of the highest relative humidity in the United States; for instance, the average relative humidity in Charleston, SC is 56% and in Cape Hatteras, NC it remains a whopping sixty six percent.

Certainly buildings in the southeast are not the only ones suffering from this problem as houses in other parts of the country also have this problem. There are multiple methods to prevent moisture from building up in these unwanted places in your residence. The use of a vapor barrier is one of the best ways to prevent moisture from invading the unwanted area. In the process of installing a vapor barrier, one should make sure to enclose one hundred percent of the area. This will stop moisture from the ground below to find its way into the preferred region, whether it be a crawl space or whatever area you desire.

Dehumidifiers can be located in the preferred area, which is really a quite simple way to facilitate pull moisture out. Dehumidifiers thrust warm air onto cold metal coils, and that produces water which falls into a bucket. Cold air is then created and it then is passed over warm coils to bring it back to room temperature.

One other popular way is to situate vents or double check that your installed vents are permitting air to distribute in the desired area, but during winter the air penetrates and drifts under the floor and the floor of the home is then affected. Then some contractors use insulation to stop the floor from unwanted cooling or heating. Then sometimes this insulation builds moisture within itself, so basically you are clearing up a problem with another problem.

Anyway you try to prohibit moisture from establishing itself into your crawl space, basement, or other area, make sure that you do it accurately. This article only names to a few of the ways to pull out moisture. There are more ways to achieve this goal, but no matter how it is fulfilled it must be achieved correctly or you will still be left with the situation of mold, wood rot or even insect infiltration.

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